Dream Baby Press asked Shannon Shaw for a list of 10 things she loves and 10 things she hates.
Shannon Shaw is the front woman of Oakland-founded, garage-punk outfit Shannon & The Clams, and member of Hunx and his Punx. Shannon & The Clams most recent album ‘The Moon Is In The Wrong Place,’ serves as a memorialization of Shaw’s fiancé who passed away in a car accident in 2022. It’s a powerful exploration of loss, time, love, and resilience that stands as the beloved garage band’s most ambitious, emotionally searing recording to date.
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1. Springtime. Blossoms scent floating on the breeze is one of the best smells ever. Plus, how nice to see oncoming fresh green life signaling my other favorite seasons oncoming
2. Tubing: boy oh boy do I love to be in the sunshine floating down a river
3. Swimming pools: I am a water baby, let me RIP in some h20 and you will have an even jollier Shan
4. Cold room, cozy blankets! This is a big deal breaker for some, and it really helps determine who is your room buddy on tour
5. Thriller movies. I’d say 90’s thrillers are probably my favorite like Sleeping with the Enemy, Hand that Rocks the Cradle, The Game, Seven, Kiss the Girls etc.
6. Buttered popcorn Jelly Belly’s
7. Game Night: I love love love a game night. It brings out people's competitive side which I love to see! It’s a great ice breaker, it helps get to know people better. I love for someone else to teach the game.
8. Miso: I don't know why but that funky, salty, sweet, Carmelly thing going on has my heart. If miso is in an ingredient in a dish i am almost always getting that one
9. Camping with friends. I love fresh air and getting people out of their everyday grind. Getting into some mountain water, stars at night, campfire with people singing around it.
10. Giant old 70’s cars with leather interior and a tape deck. Nothing sexier, nothing funner to drive. IF i got to have a giant 70’s car again i'd be in hog heaven
1. Cilantro! I refer to it as ‘the stranger’ because it tastes like the breath of an unwanted stranger lurking close behind.
2. Melon (watermelon sometimes ok!) I hate it because it tastes like the spit of someone who has been eating candy
3. Beef stroganoff. Tangy gritty beef n egg noodles? NO THANX
4. Loud Music!!!! Lolololol this is pretty annoying of me. But I hate yelling to have people hear me and I hate trying to hear in those situations. I usually just end up tuning out and dissociating and not being present
5. Old bananas, banana peel left out. Makes me feel disgusting and smells atrocious to me. If a banana has spots, I am not interested. If it's almost a little green still, gimme.
6. Doll boots. OK, maybe not everyone knows what I mean but I’m thinking like Samantha, American Girl doll, Avonlea. Dorky tall boots with a lot of laces that I KNOW aren’t comfy and I KNOW they take forever to put on and take off.
7. Feather pillows. Disgusting, spiky, get way too flat, make me itchy and sneezy. Feather anything go to heck!!! Wool too! Itchy hard nasty cant dry it…
9. Raw salmon: seems too similar to human flesh
10. Shitty seating/furniture. I LOVE to get comfy and settle in. I dont wanna go spend hours at a friend's house squatting on a stool. My ass doesn’t fit with no back support! Or a broken way-too-low couch with stains all over it. Once I entered my 30’s I started to care about dumbass things like furniture and sheets and ya know what? I'M RIGHT!!!
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